Frases sobre ''Soviet''
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After the Soviet withdrawal, many Afghan Communists had rebranded themselves as Islamists and joined the mujahedeen.
Autor: Anand GopalAfter , Themselves , Afghan , Soviet
The majority of soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army and the allied armies treated the local population humanely.
Autor: Antony BeevorArmy , Population , Soldiers , Soviet
It's essential for the U.S. and Europe to prevent Putin from going farther and reversing the hard-won independence of former Soviet republics.
Autor: George PackerGoing , Independence , Europe , Soviet
The much greater crimes of the Soviet Gulags occurred over decades and cost millions of lives.
Autor: Jean-Marie Le PenOver , Greater , Cost , Soviet
Throughout Soviet times, I understood what was really happening in the world around me.
Autor: Lennart MeriMe , World , Happening , Soviet
I have argued that the Soviet story is one of the interaction of speculative excess or utopian aspirations with refractory reality.
Autor: Paul Craig RobertsReality , Story , Interaction , Soviet
Even in the former Soviet Union, they have good copies of my movies.
Autor: Dario ArgentoGood , Movies , Union , Soviet
A likely source for terrorists seeking to buy or steal nuclear materials is the former Soviet Union.
Autor: Lee H. HamiltonSteal , Buy , Union , Soviet
And the big question for the West, of course, and to the Europeans is, what other countries, which were formerly part of the Soviet bloc, should be incorporated into western institutions?
Autor: Samuel P. HuntingtonBig , Institutions , Question , Soviet