Frases sobre ''Solid''
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They scored 26 points in three quarters. That's solid defense.
Autor: Bill LaimbeerThree , Defense , Solid , Quarters
The hits and the misses. I just want to keep the at-bats solid.
Autor: Jimmy SmitsWant , Just , Keep , Solid
It's sobering to think of the seventeen chief justices; certainly a solid majority of them have to be characterized as failures. The successful ones are hard to number.
Autor: John RobertsSuccessful , Think , Hard , Solid
All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
Autor: Max BeerbohmReality , Should , Fantasy , Solid
I prefer simpler shirts, like a solid oxford or pinstripe, and with a solid cashmere crewneck or V-neck.
Autor: Michael BastianLike , Solid , Oxford , Shirts
In 1985, the Iranian sponsorship of terrorism was clear, solid evidence.
Autor: Robert McFarlaneEvidence , Clear , Terrorism , Solid
I want to be known as a solid all-around receiver that's fast, not a fast guy that plays receiver.
Autor: Torrey SmithWant , Guy , Fast , Solid
The imaginations which people have of one another are the solid facts of society.
Autor: Charles Horton CooleyPeople , Society , Facts , Solid
Past experience, on the shuttle and the Titan rockets, suggests that large multi-segment solid rockets have a probability of failure of 0.5 to 1 per cent.
Autor: Henry SpencerPast , Experience , Failure , Solid