Frases sobre ''Socks''

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Braveness, for me, is running into my basement with no socks on. There are huge spiders down there!

Autor: Coco Rocha
  Me , Down , Spiders , Socks

Bad Boys II has knocked everyone's socks off.

Autor: Joe Pantoliano
  Everyone , Bad , Off , Socks

If I'm traveling, I'll pack socks in my bag - really cute furry ones.

Autor: Nicki Minaj
  Cute , Bag , Traveling , Socks

I'm kind of a neat freak. My place is really organized. My socks are even organized: colors and sizes.

Autor: Ryan Guzman
  Place , Colors , Freak , Socks

I'm not very materialistic - I don't have a whole lot of stuff. But I do always like a pair of really weird socks.

Autor: Taylor Kinney
  Always , Like , Weird , Socks

I have no superstitions. I don't have to have a Sunday outfit. I don't have socks or underwear I have to wear.

Autor: Zach Johnson
  Sunday , Outfit , Wear , Socks

The only thing I did is, I wore the same pair of socks in every decathlon I was ever in.

Autor: Caitlyn Jenner
  Only , Same , The Only Thing , Socks

I always steal a pair of socks on every photo shoot I do. It's my thing.

Autor: Matt Smith
  Always , Shoot , Socks , Photo Shoot

If I need something, even a pair of socks, my assistant has to get them for me.

Autor: Patricia Velasquez
  Me , Need , Something , Socks

I still tend to read more urban fantasy and romance than science-fiction, but every once in a while, a couple of books will come along and knock my socks off.

Autor: Shiloh Walker
  More , Will , Fantasy , Socks

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