Frases sobre ''Snack''

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I started cooking 30-something years ago. When I was 14, 15, I was a short-order cook in a snack bar. That was at a place called the Gran Centurions. It was an Italian-American swim club my parents belonged to.

Autor: Tom Colicchio
  Parents , Place , Cooking , Snack

I figure it's a European thing to eat cheese and crackers before a meal - that's my afternoon snack, or I do it before dinner.

Autor: Andrew Luck
  Eat , Dinner , Afternoon , Snack

I don't snack all the time, but I do sometimes drink l more than I should.

Autor: Gerard Depardieu
  Sometimes , Time , Drink , Snack

I typically have breakfast, have a snack, have lunch, have a snack, and have dinner.

Autor: Gretchen Bleiler
  Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast , Snack

Is Naked Juice a beverage, or is it a snack? I think we can liquefy snacks or snackify liquids.

Autor: Indra Nooyi
  Think , Naked , Snack , Juice

For me, a snack is supposed to be unhealthy! I like having chips or popcorn when I'm on set.

Autor: Sara Sampaio
  Me , Like , Popcorn , Snack

I always have applesauce in my fridge, and when traveling I take protein bars just in case I get hungry. They're my go-to snack.

Autor: Sloane Stephens
  Always , Just , Hungry , Snack

I eat a lot. I eat three times a day and I snack.

Autor: Suzanne Somers
  Day , Three , Eat , Snack

I don't snack a lot, because I didn't grow up snacking.

Autor: Venus Williams
  Up , Grow , Grow Up , Snack

I stick to a Mediterranean diet with fresh produce and olive oil. On a normal day, my diet is divided into the three main meals. I don't eat any other snack between meals during the day.

Autor: Andrea Pirlo
  Day , Three , Eat , Diet , Snack

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