Frases sobre ''Silent''
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I used to watch movies - silent movies - and stock companies and theater whenever I could.
Autor: E. G. MarshallMovies , Watch , Used , Silent
Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.
Autor: Ezra Taft BensonYour , Will , Soul , Silent
Gird your hearts with silent fortitude, suffering yet hoping all things.
Autor: Felicia HemansYour , Suffering , Things , Silent
I was pursuing my acting career, but I was silent on the LGBT issue, the issue that was closest to me. I knew if I came out then, I'd have had to change careers.
Autor: George TakeiMe , Change , Acting , Silent
All of the silent films had live music accompaniment, so it's actually a very rich period in music.
Autor: Howard ShoreMusic , Live , Rich , Silent
I hated the bangs in the war: I always felt a silent war would be more tolerable.
Autor: Pamela Hansford JohnsonMore , Always , War , Silent
All round the room my silent servants wait, My friends in every season, bright and dim.
Autor: Bryan ProcterFriends , Wait , Room , Silent
I looked at early movies with Robert Redford, and I like how Robert, even though he had that automatic charisma and was a very verbal person, he always played those more silent characters and played within the scene and never overacted.
Autor: Daniel EspinosaNever , Person , Movies , Silent
Like any other person who reads a ton of books, I hate many, many books. Oh, how I hate them. I have performed dramatic readings of the books I hate. I have little hate summaries. I have hate impressions. I can act out, scene by hateful scene, some of these books. I can perform silent hate charades.
Autor: Sarah Rees BrennanPerson , I Can , Hate , Silent