Frases sobre ''Sickness''
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Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of poverty, sickness and captivity would, without this comfort, be insupportable.
Autor: William Samuel JohnsonHope , Poverty , Comfort , Sickness
We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.
Autor: Deepak ChopraChange , Death , Scenery , Sickness
It's no longer a question of staying healthy. It's a question of finding a sickness you like.
Autor: Jackie MasonYou , Health , Finding , Sickness
Living is a sickness to which sleep provides relief every sixteen hours. It's a palliative. The remedy is death.
Autor: Nicolas ChamfortLiving , Sleep , Death , Sickness
I don't write these stories for the rewards that come back to me. I write them because I have to write them. It's a sickness on some level. It's a compulsion.
Autor: Noah HawleyMe , Back , Some , Sickness
The safest and most suitable form of penance seems to be that which causes pain in the flesh but does not penetrate to the bones, that is, which causes suffering but not sickness.
Autor: Saint IgnatiusSuffering , Pain , Bones , Sickness
I'm tired of hearing sin called sickness and alcoholism a disease. It is the only disease I know of that we're spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to spread.
Autor: Vance HavnerKnow , Tired , Sin , Sickness
Individual companies now have the voluntary responsibility of recalling their own products. While many companies have acted properly and swiftly to recall contaminated goods, the delay between the identification of tainted foods and the company's decision to recall those foods leads to the needless sickness of too many Americans.
Autor: Diana DeGetteOwn , Responsibility , Decision , Sickness
Taking pre-natal vitamins can minimise birth defects and can lower the chances both of morning sickness and premature delivery.
Autor: Heidi MurkoffMorning , Birth , Delivery , Sickness
I think America's obsession with guns and with violence in media and society is a horrible sickness.
Autor: Jeff LemireAmerica , Society , Violence , Sickness