Frases sobre ''Sibling''

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I have a secret sibling that I never knew existed and who was given up for adoption at birth by my parents, and she was born without legs.

Autor: Dominique Moceanu
  Never , Parents , Born , Sibling

I always wanted a sibling.

Autor: Annie Murphy
  Always , Wanted , Sibling

Sibling relationships figure in a lot of my books. You don't often see relationships between adult siblings explored in fiction.

Autor: Dara Horn
  You , See , Relationships , Sibling

Comparison is a death knell to sibling harmony.

Autor: Elizabeth Fishel
  Harmony , Death , Sibling , Comparison

My brother, Chris Massey from 'Zoey 101', was acting first at a young age. I just followed in my sibling's footsteps.

Autor: Kyle Massey
  Age , Acting , Brother , Sibling

For generations, minor-league baseball has been seen as the scrappier, sometimes seedier, counterpart to its big-league sibling. Games are often cloaked in strange and sometimes awkward theme nights. Some of the mascots are ragged or downright bizarre. The ballparks are smaller and filled with fewer fans.

Autor: Mary Pilon
  Sometimes , Baseball , Strange , Sibling

Sibling relationships have been underemphasised in learning about child development.

Autor: Robert J. Waldinger
  Development , Learning , Child , Sibling

I was the eldest child, so I know how it feels to have attention shared with a sibling.

Autor: Suriya
  Know , Attention , Child , Sibling

Hence my obstinate emphasis on stylistic continuity from work to work rather than specific sibling relationships between the individual work and other members of its stylistic 'family' in the world outside.

Autor: Brian Ferneyhough
  Work , Family , World , Sibling

I do find the sibling connection endlessly fascinating, as I do all family dynamics. I like how siblings seem to create their own parentless mini-civilization within a family, one that has its own laws, myths, language, humor, its own loyalties and treacheries.

Autor: Jandy Nelson
  Humor , Family , Language , Sibling

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