Frases sobre ''Shower''
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I never sing in the shower. It's very dangerous.
Autor: Jimmy FallonNever , Sing , Dangerous , Shower
It takes me 10 minutes to get ready to go out, and that includes the shower.
Autor: Josh BrolinMe , Go , Ready , Shower
Some of the music I listen to is pop. I sing it in the shower - and then for public consumption.
Autor: Kathleen BattleMusic , Some , Listen , Shower
I started at Nottingham Forest cleaning toilets and scrubbing the shower floors.
Autor: Patrick BamfordForest , Started , Cleaning , Shower
Well, yeah, I sang to some songs on the radio or in the shower.
Autor: Stephen MalkmusWell , Some , Radio , Shower
We used to get one room and we'd park the vehicle outside, everybody would all take showers and we'd steal towels because we knew we wasn't gonna have enough towels for all five of us to shower.
Autor: Buck OwensEnough , Us , Room , Shower
I don't need to sing in front of thousands, as I can sing in the shower.
Autor: SiaNeed , I Can , Sing , Shower
There's the occasional script that just hammers you, that you can't shower off.
Autor: Mariska HargitayYou , Just , Off , Shower