Frases sobre ''Shots''
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They're stealing my ideas. They're imitating my shots.
Autor: David O. SelznickIdeas , Stealing , Shots , Imitating
I don't do a lot of guest shots on television.
Autor: John LarroquetteTelevision , Lot , Guest , Shots
I like using a 75-percent swing for wedge shots instead of full force.
Autor: Keegan BradleyLike , Swing , Force , Shots
I'm not out there to be blocking shots or fighting guys. I'm out there to produce offensively.
Autor: Patrick KaneOut , Fighting , Blocking , Shots
Exterior shots showing blue skies add a levity and brightness to each show.
Autor: Bonnie HammerBlue , Show , Shots , Brightness
An inventor fails 999 times, and if he succeeds once, he's in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.
Autor: Charles KetteringHe , Practice , Simply , Shots