Frases sobre ''Shocked''

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I was shocked at the anger toward me.

Autor: Bernadine Dohrn
  Me , Anger , Shocked , Toward

I am, as a European, absolutely shocked by European people. I am also shocked by European nationalist people. They have allowed themselves to be so emasculated so silently.

Autor: Ernst Zundel
  People , I Am , Themselves , Shocked

I was shocked when I would read a newspaper from that time, and the Freedom March wasn't even mentioned.

Autor: Glenne Headly
  Time , Freedom , Newspaper , Shocked

I wasn't in any way a kind of soothsayer or not surprised when Sept. 11 happened. I was absolutely shocked.

Autor: Jon Ronson
  Way , Happened , Kind , Shocked

Every single day I'm shocked.

Autor: Karlie Kloss
  Day , Single , Every , Shocked

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.

Autor: Niels Bohr
  You , Understood , Quantum , Shocked

I was so shocked by how many people watched 'Lois and Clark.'

Autor: Michael Landes
  People , How , Many , Shocked

I am slightly shocked to have gone as far as I have.

Autor: Morrissey
  I Am , Far , Gone , Shocked

I thought Nixon was getting ganged up on, but when I heard the tapes, I was shocked and terribly saddened.

Autor: Walter Annenberg
  Up , Thought , Getting , Shocked

Every single race that I get on the podium in biathlon, I'm shocked.

Autor: Oksana Masters
  Single , Race , Get , Shocked

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