Frases sobre ''Shaving''

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How can I shave in the midst of guerrilla warfare? On battlefields, we have no facilities for shaving, and that was why I first grew my beard.

Autor: Yasser Arafat
  Why , Beard , How , Shaving

I really can't be bothered going to a barber. And shaving every morning, that's nightmarish. I spent my teenage years covered in tiny little bits of toilet paper.

Autor: Alan Moore
  Morning , Years , Toilet , Shaving

It's amazing what a bit of soot and shaving can do for muscle definition, honestly.

Autor: Joe Dempsie
  Amazing , Definition , Muscle , Shaving

I like to put shaving cream in the door handle of people's cars and that kind of thing.

Autor: Joshua Malina
  People , Like , Door , Shaving

I'm obsessed with the Clarisonic brush. It actually makes you feel like you've had a facial. It helps prevent ingrown hairs after shaving, too.

Autor: Brad Goreski
  You , Feel , Like , Shaving

I'm kind of lax about hair in general. I stopped shaving my armpits in part to experiment with pheromones, but also because I just didn't feel like shaving them anymore.

Autor: Callie Hernandez
  Feel , Like , Hair , Shaving

I always wanted to shave. It is a very natural process. For my birthday I got a lot of shaving stuff.

Autor: Chaz Bono
  Always , Process , Birthday , Shaving

When I went to the Olympics, I had every intention of shaving the mustache off, but I realized I was getting so many comments about it - and everybody was talking about it - that I decided to keep it.

Autor: Mark Spitz
  Talking , Mustache , Intention , Shaving

I shave without using shaving cream.

Autor: Jerry Stiller
  Without , Shaving , Cream , Shave

Shaving half my head was a look that meant I could go punkier with my style.

Autor: Natalie Dormer
  Look , Go , Style , Shaving

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