Frases sobre ''Sharp''

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I was attached to 'Sharp Objects' before 'Big Little Lies,' actually.

Autor: Jean-Marc Vallee
  Big , Objects , Sharp , Little

Activity in politics also produces eager competition and sharp rivalry.

Autor: John George Nicolay
  Politics , Activity , Sharp , Competition

The long poem cannot be a digressive, expansive, boring exposition. It is really made of very sharp, Imagistic, quintessential poetic elements.

Autor: Louis Dudek
  Long , Cannot , Sharp , Boring

Obama's starting point was not as low as Manmohan Singh's starting point, and Obama's rise was not as sharp.

Autor: Sanjaya Baru
  Low , Sharp , Point , Rise

I guess my weirdest fear is accidentally ingesting a sharp object.

Autor: Willa Fitzgerald
  Guess , Fear , Sharp , Object

In nature there are few sharp lines.

Autor: A. R. Ammons
  Nature , Lines , Sharp , Few

He's sharp, he can score and he doesn't worry about missing.

Autor: Alan Hansen
  He , Sharp , Missing , Worry

I love hats. I love vests. I do like to look sharp.

Autor: Boyd Holbrook
  Love , Look , Like , Sharp

I have a lot in common with Lewis Carroll's Alice (my favorite female literary heroine, besides Becky Sharp). I've been sent on a journey to places even bleach can't reach.

Autor: Lance Loud
  Places , Journey , Sharp , Reach

Jonathan Lethem's 10th novel, 'The Blot,' is engaging, entertaining, and sharp for its first two-thirds. Then it goes to hell.

Autor: Lionel Shriver
  First , Hell , Sharp , Then

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