Frases sobre ''Sharks''

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I am actually terrified of sharks; it is my number-one fear.

Autor: Claire Holt
  I Am , Fear , Am , Sharks

I am terrified of sharks, so I don't surf!

Autor: Janel Parrish
  I Am , Am , Terrified , Sharks

Out here in California, in the Pacific Ocean, the sharks have a bad attitude.

Autor: Katy Mixon
  Bad , Ocean , Attitude , Sharks

There's a cardinal rule that you don't talk about sharks. If you don't see it, it's not there.

Autor: Mark Warkentin
  You , See , Talk , Sharks

People don't need to be scared. I tickle sharks. I do, when they swim by.

Autor: Michael Muller
  People , Need , Swim , Sharks

I don't use cages - I've been surrounded by 150 to 200 sharks, not once ever been close to being bitten.

Autor: Michael Muller
  Being , Use , Surrounded , Sharks

Twenty-five years ago nobody knew much about white sharks.

Autor: Peter Benchley
  Nobody , Years , White , Sharks

French fries kill more people than guns and sharks, yet nobody's afraid of French fries.

Autor: Robert Kiyosaki
  More , People , Nobody , Sharks

I've come through it and seen people in football that are sharks. They are ones to stay away from.

Autor: Ashley Young
  People , Football , Stay , Sharks

I've seen sharks in the ocean, it hasn't made me get out of the ocean; that's for sure.

Autor: Luke Hemsworth
  Me , Seen , Ocean , Sharks

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