Frases sobre ''Self-Esteem''
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Resentment is weak and lowers your self-esteem.
Autor: Barbara SherYour , Weak , Self-Esteem , Resentment
Where talent is a dwarf, self-esteem is a giant.
Autor: John Petit-SennWhere , Talent , Self-Esteem , Giant
I have struggled with self-esteem issues since my teens, but it's clear in my first long-ago diary that I didn't start out that way. I acquired my low self-esteem. I learned it.
Autor: Justine MuskStart , Way , Diary , Self-Esteem
I had low self-esteem. I just really wanted attention and love from somebody.
Autor: Kim MathersLove , Just , Attention , Self-Esteem
I don't think I am narcissistic. I think I have low self-esteem.
Autor: Lorraine BraccoThink , I Am , Low , Self-Esteem
The biggest thing you can give a kid is self-esteem, so that they're not shy to do different things.
Autor: Magnus SchevingYou , Things , Shy , Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a powerful force within each of us... Self-esteem is the experience that we are appropriate to life and to the requirements of life.
Autor: Nathaniel BrandenLife , Experience , Powerful , Self-Esteem
With women, the way they look... it's the core of their self-esteem.
Autor: Nia PeeplesLook , Way , Women , Self-Esteem
It seems to be a common denominator with a lot of comics, this low self-esteem thing.
Autor: Ray RomanoLow , Common , Seems , Self-Esteem