Frases sobre ''Seat''
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My dad wouldn't even start the car until he heard the click of every seat belt.
Autor: Drew LacheyStart , Car , Dad , Seat
The metropolis has always been the seat of the money economy.
Autor: Georg SimmelAlways , Money , Economy , Seat
My mother played the organ in church at Georgiana, and I sat on the seat beside her.
Autor: Hank WilliamsMother , Church , Her , Seat
It's quite frustrating taking a back seat in films.
Autor: Nathan PhillipsBack , Quite , Seat , Frustrating
It is not the Head but the Heart that is the Seat of Atheism.
Autor: Mary AstellHeart , Head , Atheism , Seat
I have confidence in the responsibility of those who occupy a seat in the legislature.
Autor: Michel TemerWho , Responsibility , Confidence , Seat
Sometimes I write captions on the in-flight magazines and then replace them in the seat pocket.
Autor: Shaun TanSometimes , Write , Replace , Seat
I used to do crazy tricks. I would stand on the seat, wheelies, stuff like that.
Autor: Markelle FultzCrazy , Like , Stand , Seat