Frases sobre ''Scientific''
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We shall have to remove everything that strangles artistic and scientific creativeness.
Autor: Alexander DubcekEverything , Scientific , Shall , Remove
We are redefining and we are restating our socialism in terms of the scientific revolution.
Autor: Harold WilsonOur , Scientific , Revolution , Socialism
Traditional market researchers are cold and calculating and scientific.
Autor: Frank LuntzTraditional , Scientific , Cold , Market
'Incontrovertible' is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science.
Autor: Ivar GiaeverScience , Nothing , Word , Scientific
Measurements, observations, descriptions can only be considered scientific when they are independently confirmed by other people.
Autor: Jose PadilhaPeople , Only , Scientific , Other
When my 'Scientific American' arrives every month, I read it cover to cover.
Autor: Micky DolenzRead , American , Month , Scientific
I wouldn't want to donate my body for scientific study.
Autor: Patricia CornwellWant , Study , Body , Scientific
We build scientific theories to organize and manipulate the world, to reduce phenomena into manageable units.
Autor: Paul KalanithiWorld , Build , Scientific , Organize
Scientific innovations continually provide us with new means of analyzing the finds.
Autor: Richard LeakeyNew , Us , Scientific , Means