Frases sobre ''Science Fiction''

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Science fiction is becoming more of a diverse kind of genre.

Autor: Anna Torv
  More , Science , Science Fiction , Kind

'Farscape' is not what you call hard science fiction.

Autor: Ben Browder
  You , Science , Science Fiction , Hard

There are trappings of science fiction which I kind of embrace, but there are also cliches which I run from.

Autor: David Twohy
  Science , Science Fiction , Run , Embrace

A lot of the cosmologists and astrophysicists clearly had been reading science fiction.

Autor: Frederik Pohl
  Science , Reading , Science Fiction , Been

Science fiction and fantasy feels like it's been ascending in the zeitgeist.

Autor: John Joseph Adams
  Science , Like , Science Fiction , Fantasy

I love science fiction.

Autor: Moon Bloodgood
  Love , Science , Science Fiction , Fiction

I have never been a critic of science fiction as a whole.

Autor: Robert Sheckley
  Never , Science , Science Fiction , Fiction

I love science fiction. I read a lot of science fiction.

Autor: Romola Garai
  Love , Science , Science Fiction , Fiction

The dilemma felt by science fiction writers will be perceived in other creative endeavors.

Autor: Vernor Vinge
  Science , Will , Science Fiction , Creative

There's so much overlapping in science fiction.

Autor: Brian Herbert
  Science , Science Fiction , Fiction , Much

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