Frases sobre ''School''

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When I was in high school, they opened an arts high school. I didn't read music, and I wasn't a trained dancer, so I was like, 'OK, I guess I'll go into acting.' I asked my mom if she knew any plays for my audition, and the only one she knew was 'A Raisin in the Sun.'

Autor: Shalita Grant
  Music , Mom , School , Sun

If I wasn't singing country music for a living, I was actually going to school to be a doctor.

Autor: Dustin Lynch
  Music , Singing , School , Doctor

I didn't get Facebook until I was maybe a junior or senior in high school.

Autor: Emily Meade
  School , High , High School , Facebook

I did a little bit of flying in high school, but I've just always been inspired and excited about airplanes.

Autor: Gregory H. Johnson
  School , Flying , High , High School

So if there is a government grant offered for anything, like starting a business or going to school, they cannot discriminate because of your age.

Autor: Matthew Lesko
  Age , Business , School , Government

Besides stray instances of acting in school and college, I hadn't prepared myself to be an actor.

Autor: Mawra Hocane
  Myself , College , School , Acting

I had an art teacher who's the reason I got there in high school who encouraged me to go to Alabama. That's where she had gone and kept raving over their art department.

Autor: Sela Ward
  Me , Art , Teacher , School

It's pretty incredible to think that someone who once dreamed of a life in fashion could go from reading 'Vogue' during recess in elementary school to eventually seeing his designs grace those very pages.

Autor: Dan Levy
  Life , Grace , School , Fashion

The technology at the leading edge changes so rapidly that you have to keep current after you get out of school. I think probably the most important thing is having good fundamentals.

Autor: Gordon Moore
  You , Good , School , Technology

Even in high school, I went through a lot of relationship issues, and that's at the center of my music.

Autor: Juice Wrld
  Music , School , Relationship , High School

Websites don't have to be complicated