Frases sobre ''Schedule''
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I do have a chore schedule - in my mind. I don't tell anyone I have it, but it's in my mind.
Autor: David Alan BascheMind , Tell , Anyone , Schedule
With films, you are not so much on a schedule. TV is all about scheduling.
Autor: Joe PennyYou , About , Much , Schedule
My schedule is too overwhelmingly full to think about the future.
Autor: Saina NehwalAbout , Think , Future , Schedule
It's a nonstop schedule, really. I had lost myself somewhere.
Autor: Roger Andrew TaylorMyself , Lost , Somewhere , Schedule
Memory runs by its own itinerary, departing and arriving at stations of the past on its own schedule.
Autor: Steve EricksonOwn , Past , Memory , Schedule
My practice schedule is not constant and changes a lot and depends on my moods also.
Autor: Viswanathan AnandPractice , Changes , Schedule , Moods
My entire schedule gets turned around for 'The Bachelor' and 'Bachelor in Paradise.'
Autor: Camilla LuddingtonParadise , Around , Bachelor , Schedule
I used to eat big meals at 2 A.M. and base it on my schedule. But I don't do that no more.
Autor: Rick RossMore , Eat , Big , Schedule
My thing has always been preparation. When I was a performer on the roster as one of the guys on a weekly, full-time schedule, I was always prepared.
Autor: Booker TAlways , Been , Preparation , Schedule