Frases sobre ''Salt''

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My biggest nightmare is that something doesn't have enough salt.

Autor: Antoni Porowski
  Something , Enough , Salt , Nightmare

Many foreigners imagine that Latin American cuisine is spicy, but Chilean food, on the whole, is extremely bland: salt, vinegar, mayonnaise, and more salt are the four basic condiments. Black pepper is conspicuously absent, and not only from the food - it is also rarely available even on request.

Autor: Jonathan Franklin
  Black , American , Food , Salt

Vegetarians are doomed in the Chilean street-food scene, though if they are willing to ingest small quantities of lard, they can enjoy the ever-popular squash, salt and lard biscuits known as sopaipillas.

Autor: Jonathan Franklin
  Enjoy , Small , Salt , Willing

When it comes to salt, what was really staggering to me is that the industry itself is totally hooked on salt. It is this miracle ingredient that solves all of their problems. There is the flavor burst to the salt itself, but it also serves as a preservative, so foods can stay on the shelves for months.

Autor: Michael Moss
  Me , Problems , Salt , Stay

I've been more conscious of my salt intake, sugar intake, making sure I'm not eating as many processed foods.

Autor: Monica
  More , Eating , Salt , Sugar

One thing I like about Argentina, they only cook with salt; that's it.

Autor: Robert Duvall
  Like , Only , Salt , One Thing

When people write about someone else, you have to take it with a pinch of salt.

Autor: Sophie Rundle
  You , People , Someone , Salt

In my position, I'm always going to get a bit of flak. I take it with a grain of salt.

Autor: Karen Bardsley
  Always , Position , Take , Salt

Hemingway hated me. I sold 200 million books, and he didn't. Of course most of mine sold for 25 cents, but still... you look at all this stuff with a grain of salt.

Autor: Mickey Spillane
  You , Me , Look , Salt

Nobody likes having salt rubbed into their wounds, even if it is the salt of the earth.

Autor: Rebecca West
  Nobody , Earth , Salt , Wounds

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