Frases sobre ''Roommates''
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When I first moved to New York in 2006, I spent most of my time hanging out at and going to shows at a punk house in Crown Heights called The Fort where, amongst many roommates, my friend Johnny lived. Johnny loves The Germs, the legendary L.A. punk band fronted by the late, great Darby Crash.
Autor: Kevin MorbyTime , Great , Friend , Roommates
I even lived on campus to get the college experience. I had five roommates and I still keep in touch with them while I'm on the road.
Autor: Tatyana AliCollege , Experience , Road , Roommates
For years, I believed that anything worth doing was worth doing early. In graduate school, I submitted my dissertation two years in advance. In college, I wrote my papers weeks early and finished my thesis four months before the due date. My roommates joked that I had a productive form of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Autor: Adam GrantCollege , Doing , School , Roommates
Its really hard to be roommates with people if your suitcases are much better than theirs.
Autor: J. D. SalingerPeople , Better , Hard , Roommates
I've got four roommates and they all have fur and tails.
Autor: Kate WalshGot , Roommates , Four , Fur
I'm not extravagant. I share my house in London with five roommates. I take the Tube. I intend to stay the exact same person I always was.
Autor: Margot RobbieAlways , House , Person , Roommates
I like candles. It helps cover up for the fact that I have four male roommates.
Autor: Tyler JosephUp , Like , Roommates , Four
I can't write a line without music - it provides just the right amount of distraction to keep me focused. Clearly, I still miss the noisy roommates.
Autor: Stacy SchiffMusic , Me , Focused , Roommates
One of my college roommates was into The Police, and I got to like them. But I hear one of the guys left the band.
Autor: Jeff Van GundyCollege , Police , Roommates , Band
Because I'm always away, coming home to a clean house means a lot to me. Trust me, I've lived with a lot of roommates, and straight guys are just kids who don't pick up after themselves.
Autor: Kellan LutzMe , Home , Trust , Roommates