Frases sobre ''Romance''
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The addition of romance in my books or mystery to a historical romance is the sauce, not the goose.
Autor: Deanna RaybournMystery , Historical , Goose , Romance
I wasn't captivated by the romance of Paris or London. I love visiting, but I'd rather be in L.A.
Autor: Edward RuschaLove , London , Paris , Romance
In a great romance, each person basically plays a part that the other really likes.
Autor: Elizabeth AshleyLikes , Great , Person , Romance
Ah... romance to me is spontaneity. It's not diamond earrings; it's a bunch of daffodils that's freshly picked from the field.
Autor: Kate WinsletMe , Field , Earrings , Romance
Romance tends to be the whipping boy of genre fiction.
Autor: Lauren WilligFiction , Boy , Romance , Genre
I decided to write category romance as I'd recently discovered them, and enjoyed them.
Autor: Nora RobertsWrite , Them , Enjoyed , Romance
When you are travelling, there's romance, and there's music.
Autor: Mohit ChauhanMusic , You , Romance , Travelling
Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece.
Autor: Yeardley SmithDead , Romantic , Off , Romance
Tinder is the ultimate gamification of romance. It's 'Pokemon Go' for the heart.
Autor: Charlie BrookerHeart , Go , Romance , Ultimate
When romance is done well in a movie, it's awesome.
Autor: Nat WolffWell , Done , Awesome , Romance