Frases sobre ''Revenue''
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The casinos brought lots of revenue and jobs to our community. We've seen lots of benefits from those tax dollars.
Autor: Tina ThompsonCommunity , Seen , Tax , Revenue
I consider each business investment based on concept and revenue.
Autor: Daymond JohnBusiness , Concept , Investment , Revenue
The Internal Revenue Service is the real undefeated heavyweight champion.
Autor: George ForemanReal , Champion , Service , Revenue
The payments which have been made into the Treasury show the very productive state of the public revenue.
Autor: James MonroeMade , Show , Very , Revenue
The cable model is just a better model. Dual revenue stream: advertising-supported and subscription-supported revenues.
Autor: Jeff ZuckerJust , Better , Stream , Revenue
Preserving a river or a creek can bring a lot of revenue.
Autor: Jim FowlerRiver , Bring , Revenue , Creek
When the private does well, there's revenue for the public sector.
Autor: Jim TalentWell , Does , Public , Revenue
Well, a deficit reflects an imbalance between spending and revenue, and so narrowing it requires acting on one, the other or both.
Autor: Peter OrszagWell , Acting , Between , Revenue
This country doesn't have a revenue problem - it has a spending problem.
Autor: Charles BoustanyCountry , Problem , Revenue , Spending