Frases sobre ''Resignation''
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Resignation is the courage of Christian sorrow.
Autor: Alexandre VinetCourage , Christian , Sorrow , Resignation
I submit to you, Mr. President of Congress, my formal resignation as president of the republic.
Autor: Alberto FujimoriYou , President , Formal , Resignation
That is why with enormous regret I have tendered my resignation to the prime minister today.
Autor: David BlunkettWhy , Today , Regret , Resignation
As the resignation letter which I wrote to the Prime Minister clearly implies, it was not the outcome I sought, but it is one that I accept without rancour, despite what might be described as the hard landing involved.
Autor: Nigel LawsonWithout , Hard , Accept , Resignation
It is right to endure with resignation what the gods send, and to face one's enemies with courage.
Autor: PericlesCourage , Face , Enemies , Resignation
I don't watch the dailies. You want to just turn in your resignation when you watch the dailies.
Autor: Richard JenkinsYou , Your , Want , Resignation
With my resignation, I... left unfulfilled commitments I made to many comrades in the fight, commitments I hold sacred. My service did not end as I would have wished.
Autor: Stanley A. McChrystalEnd , Fight , Service , Resignation
The pen is an instrument of discovery rather than just a recording implement. If you write a letter of resignation or something with an agenda, you're simply using a pen to record what you have thought out.
Autor: Billy CollinsYou , Thought , Resignation , Pen
Before the word 'resignation' became a euphemism for being fired, it connoted a sense of public integrity and personal honor.
Autor: Bret StephensHonor , Being , Integrity , Resignation
A resignation is a grave act; never performed by a right minded man without forethought or with reserve.
Autor: Salmon P. ChaseNever , Man , Without , Resignation