Frases sobre ''Republicans''

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There are fewer and fewer Republicans.

Autor: Greg Dworkin
  Republicans , Fewer

Latins for Republicans - it's like roaches for Raid.

Autor: John Leguizamo
  Like , Republicans , Raid

You've got the brain-washed, that's the Democrats, and the brain-dead, that's the Republicans!

Autor: Mark Russell
  You , Got , Democrats , Republicans

I've always believed in challenging Republicans where they think they are strongest.

Autor: Martin Frost
  Always , Where , Think , Republicans

The Republicans learned well from Bill Clinton.

Autor: Morley Safer
  Well , Learned , Bill , Republicans

Republicans will own Congress.

Autor: Bob Corker
  Own , Will , Congress , Republicans

Historically, the Republicans have been geniuses at throwing away advantages.

Autor: Bob Packwood
  Advantages , Away , Been , Republicans

We're not Democrats first. We're not Republicans first. We're Americans first. We're patriots first.

Autor: Mitch McConnell
  First , Democrats , Republicans , Patriots

I'm an independent, probably. I'm not dogmatic. I've supported Democrats and Republicans.

Autor: Jerry Weintraub
  Independent , Democrats , Republicans

I have unbelievable support among Republicans.

Autor: Scott Walker
  Support , Unbelievable , Republicans

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