Frases sobre ''Remembering''

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There is no worse sorrow than remembering happiness in the day of sorrow.

Autor: Alfred de Musset
  Day , Happiness , Sorrow , Remembering

A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier times.

Autor: Alfred Lord Tennyson
  Sympathy , Crown , Sorrow , Remembering

Dignified and respectful quietude speaks much louder than pomp and circumstance when it comes to remembering those who died.

Autor: Alan Colmes
  Who , Than , Those , Remembering

Discipline is remembering what you want.

Autor: David Campbell
  You , Want , Discipline , Remembering

I nicknamed everyone in the gym. It was easier than remembering their names.

Autor: Joe Gold
  Everyone , Gym , Names , Remembering

Really, for an actor, it's all about remembering a lot of stuff - and keeping the moustache on.

Autor: Martin Clunes
  About , Actor , Remembering , Moustache

I'm horrible at remembering names, embarrassingly bad.

Autor: Sam Trammell
  Bad , Horrible , Names , Remembering

Remembering in an honest way means admitting the truth.

Autor: Sebastian Kurz
  Truth , Way , Honest , Remembering

People voted with their hearts as they were remembering the father.

Autor: Emile Lahoud
  People , Father , Remembering , Hearts

When I'm at work, I'm remembering what I forgot to do for the kids, and when I'm with the kids, I'm remembering what I forgot to do at work.

Autor: Kelly Ripa
  Work , Kids , Remembering , Forgot

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