Frases sobre ''Regular''

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I watch what I eat obviously. I'm not a regular gym-goer but I'm conscious of it.

Autor: Elisha Cuthbert
  Eat , Watch , Conscious , Regular

My mother was a regular church-goer and was very tolerant.

Autor: Emma Bonino
  Mother , Very , Tolerant , Regular

I just like Raisin Bran - it keeps me regular.

Autor: Gretchen Wilson
  Me , Just , Like , Regular

I'm one of those regular weird people.

Autor: Janis Joplin
  People , Weird , Those , Regular

I'm just a regular dude.

Autor: Josh Rosen
  Just , Dude , Regular

And I would urge all women to have that regular mammogram.

Autor: Lynn Redgrave
  Women , Would , Urge , Regular

I didn't set out to be a regular hero.

Autor: Rana Daggubati
  Set , Out , Hero , Regular

I'm just a regular guy.

Autor: Stewart Rahr
  Just , Guy , Regular , Regular Guy

I don't watch soaps, because they're for regular viewers with regular lives, and I don't have a regular life.

Autor: Jimmy Savile
  Life , Because , Watch , Regular

From regular, relative skydiving, I went on to freeflying. Freeflying is more the three-dimensional skydiving.

Autor: Ueli Gegenschatz
  More , Skydiving , Relative , Regular

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