Frases sobre ''Recession''
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There are always, of course, job losses of a cyclical nature in a recession.
Autor: Tim BishopAlways , Nature , Job , Recession
Nevada was hit hardest by the recession - highest unemployment, highest foreclosure rate, highest bankruptcy rate.
Autor: Brian SandovalHit , Unemployment , Hardest , Recession
I favor the extension of the middle-class tax cuts because in a recession they're stimulative and they help with demand.
Autor: Peter WelchFavor , Help , Tax , Recession
If there's a severe recession, the automatic stabilizers will come into effect, and we will still try to reduce the structural deficit, but we will not try to keep cutting the budget so that we keep worsening a severe recession.
Autor: Franklin RainesWill , Try , Budget , Recession
If the program goes off track again due to recession, this should not become a pretext for the imposition of more austerity measures.
Autor: Antonis SamarasMore , Become , Again , Recession
Making new products is an easy tap for a company in a recession.
Autor: Martin NaughtonNew , Easy , Company , Recession
Aggressive government spending during the Great Recession was absolutely necessary.
Autor: Eric GarcettiGreat , Government , Aggressive , Recession
We simply can't spend our way out of a recession.
Autor: Ander CrenshawWay , Out , Spend , Recession
Ironically, for the mega-rich, recession brings with it the ability to live well at a lower cost and with less of a hassle.
Autor: Jamie JohnsonLive , Well , Ability , Recession