Frases sobre ''Rebel''

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I was a normal, rather dutiful child. I didn't even rebel as a teenager.

Autor: Emily Watson
  Child , Normal , Rather , Rebel

Personally, I regard myself as an intellectual 'rebel,' kicking against the 'old colonialism-imperialism paradigm' which has landed Africa in a conundrum.

Autor: George Ayittey
  Myself , Africa , Intellectual , Rebel

I will die like a true-blue rebel. Don't waste any time in mourning - organize.

Autor: Joe Hill
  Time , Will , Die , Rebel

The public digs needled me to rebel. They forced me to work harder.

Autor: Karim Benzema
  Me , Work , Rebel , Forced

I've never been an outward rebel, but inside, I just rebel deeply.

Autor: Kate Christensen
  Never , Just , Inside , Rebel

I'm a real rebel with a cause.

Autor: Nina Simone
  Real , Cause , Rebel

Not disown my past or upbringing, but I'd admired American actors, really American movie star - particularly the rebel heroes of the '50s.

Autor: Maxwell Caulfield
  Past , American , Heroes , Rebel

I wanted to be a rebel so badly.

Autor: Shamir
  Wanted , Rebel , Badly

As reason is a rebel to faith, so passion is a rebel to reason.

Autor: Thomas Browne
  Faith , Passion , Reason , Rebel

In the '60s, parents were told to let their teens rebel, explore their boundaries. Increasingly the same message is being given to the parents of tweens.

Autor: Maggie Gallagher
  Being , Boundaries , Parents , Rebel

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