Frases sobre ''React''

Aviso: Recollemos miles de frases de diferentes recursos públicos. Non somos responsables de ningún contido ou información incorrecta ou pouco precisa relacionada coas frases que recollemos na nosa web. Frases famosas, refráns, frases curtas, frases de pequenos. Frases de amizade, amor, cine, familia, humor, motivaciónreflexión, superación, vida e moito máis. O noso único obxectivo é ofrecerche estas frases como inspiración para que poidas facer dedicatorias únicas, expresar os teus pensamentos e emocións ou compartir nas túas redes sociais. Disfruta do noso contido.

Businesses and households react to lower rates by investing and spending more. Lower rates also support the prices of housing and financial assets such as stocks and bonds.

Autor: Jerome Powell
  More , Support , Financial , React

Socialism as such from its very origins is a workers' system, and when there occur deviations, it is workers that react first.

Autor: Wojciech Jaruzelski
  First , System , Socialism , React

There are certain people who react well in life-threatening situations, and our military and our law enforcement and our first responders tend to be those types of folks.

Autor: Dean Cain
  People , Law , React , Law Enforcement

I prefer to express myself physically, or non-verbally. I prefer just to react without having a lot of dialogue.

Autor: Marisa Tomei
  Myself , Without , Dialogue , React

The celebration... you cannot practice it or anything. It's a moment when the excitement of your goal make you react to the moment.

Autor: Peter Bondra
  You , Moment , Practice , React

The immune system has evolved the capacity to react specifically with a very large number of foreign molecules with which it had no previous contact while avoiding reactivity for autologous molecules, naturally antigenic in other species or in other individuals of the same species.

Autor: Baruj Benacerraf
  System , Same , React , Avoiding

The appeal of the wild for me is its unpredictability. You have to develop an awareness, react fast, be resourceful and come up with a plan and act on it.

Autor: Bear Grylls
  You , Me , Wild , React

I can't just react on the strength of an email and three pages of synopsis, and say I'm going to take off for three months of my life.

Autor: Emmanuelle Beart
  Life , My Life , Strength , React

My stories are about humans and how they react, or fail to react, or react stupidly. I'm pointing the finger at us, not at the zombies. I try to respect and sympathize with the zombies as much as possible.

Autor: George A. Romero
  Respect , Us , Try , React

The writer needs to react to his or her own internal universe, to his or her own point of view. If he or she doesn't have a personal point of view, it's impossible to be a creator.

Autor: Manuel Puig
  View , Universe , Impossible , React

Websites don't have to be complicated