Frases sobre ''Raw''

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It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw.

Autor: Emily Carr
  Feel , Wonderful , Canada , Raw

Adding chlorella and chlorophyll to your smoothie gives you the benefits of leafy greens in their most raw form.

Autor: Hannah Bronfman
  You , Your , Most , Raw

Fortunately for England, all her imports are raw materials.

Autor: Joseph Hume
  Her , Raw , England , Materials

I certainly don't eat raw bison liver on a regular basis.

Autor: Leonardo DiCaprio
  Eat , Raw , Basis , Liver

Greek tragedy was pre-Freudian, so every emotion has to be so raw; there are no psychological undertones.

Autor: Lydia Leonard
  Every , Tragedy , Emotion , Raw

'Special 26' was a raw, real film.

Autor: Ravi Teja
  Special , Real , Film , Raw

My music is super vulnerable, raw, and intimate.

Autor: Selah Louise Marley
  Music , Super , Raw , Vulnerable

'Monday Night Football' is a competitor to 'Monday Night Raw.'

Autor: Stephanie McMahon
  Night , Football , Raw , Monday

The prices of raw materials do not fluctuate directly with the labour cost of producing them.

Autor: Charles E. Wilson
  Them , Raw , Cost , Labour

Blanching the cloves removes the harsh and bitter bite of raw garlic.

Autor: Yotam Ottolenghi
  Raw , Bitter , Bite , Garlic

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