Frases sobre ''Railroad''

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I bought a railroad during this period of time.

Autor: Bill Janklow
  Time , Period , Railroad , Bought

A private railroad car is not an acquired taste. One takes to it immediately.

Autor: Eleanor Robson Belmont
  Car , Taste , Railroad , Takes

The history of the Erie Railroad ever since 1901 has been a record of progress.

Autor: John Moody
  History , Ever , Progress , Railroad

With the reorganization of 1898 finished, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad entered a new period in its history.

Autor: John Moody
  New , History , Period , Railroad

I was one man and I tackled a big railroad. I did the best I could.

Autor: O. Winston Link
  Best , Man , Big , Railroad

I come from a line of railroad men. My great-grandfather was a surveyor for the Burlington Railroad.

Autor: Bill Moseley
  Come , Men , Line , Railroad

While no one railroad can completely duplicate another line, two or more may compete at particular points.

Autor: John Moody
  More , Two , Line , Railroad

One of the points in which I was especially interested was the Jim Crow regulations, that is, the system of separation of the races in street cars and railroad trains.

Autor: Ray Stannard Baker
  System , Street , Railroad , Separation

The railroad originally was as completely dissociated from steam propulsion as was the ship.

Autor: John Moody
  Ship , Railroad , Steam , Originally

Many of the railroad evils were inherent in the situation; they were explained by the fact that both managers and public were dealing with a new agency whose laws they did not completely understand.

Autor: John Moody
  New , Understand , Situation , Railroad

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