Frases sobre ''Puzzle''

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Colors must fit together as pieces in a puzzle or cogs in a wheel.

Autor: Hans Hofmann
  Together , Colors , Puzzle , Wheel

When I can see things through the lens of the director, it's like being able to see the whole puzzle - it's not just about my role, but the whole script.

Autor: Justin Baldoni
  Being , See , I Can , Puzzle

I wanted to play incredibly challenging, multifaceted characters. Because we are all a puzzle.

Autor: Kate Winslet
  Because , Wanted , Play , Puzzle

We can't just pop off and drop a bomb on North Korea and think everything's going to be OK. It just doesn't work like that. It's a complicated puzzle.

Autor: Lois Frankel
  Work , Think , Complicated , Puzzle

My goal as a puzzle designer is to create a meaningful experience for the player, not just 'I solved it.'

Autor: Scott Kim
  Just , Experience , Puzzle , Create

Coaching is very complex: it's like a puzzle, and many things need to come together to make it work.

Autor: Stan Wawrinka
  Work , Need , Together , Puzzle

It's the corroborative nature of Twitter after an event happens that is an incredibly essential piece of the puzzle.

Autor: Ted Bailey
  Nature , Happens , Puzzle , Event

Black holes, we all know, are these regions where if an object falls in, it can't get out, but the puzzle that many struggled with over the decades is, what happens to the information that an object contains when it falls into a black hole. Is it simply lost?

Autor: Brian Greene
  Know , Black , Puzzle , Information

Any woman who has attempted to slip a credit card into an inch-deep trouser pocket knows about the annoying puzzle of women's clothing: Pockets rarely work.

Autor: Christina Binkley
  Work , Women , Woman , Puzzle

Throughout history there have been many other examples, similar to that of Haeckel, Huxley and the cell, where a key piece of a particular scientific puzzle was beyond the understanding of the age.

Autor: Michael Behe
  History , Age , Understanding , Puzzle

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