Frases sobre ''Purple''
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Lunch is a big huge salad with every color in it. From leafy greens to purple to herbs, fresh cut herbs mixed into it for flavors. I vary what I toss into it. Sometimes it might be lentils and chopped tomatoes, other days it could be garbanzo beans, some days I might have just a salad and have some lentil soup on the side.
Autor: Christie BrinkleySometimes , Lunch , Color , Purple
I've managed to get some beautiful bags. I have a great collection, and so does my mother. My favourite is a purple one by Gucci, which I take everywhere!
Autor: Becki NewtonGreat , Beautiful , Mother , Purple
When I was 20 years old, my mom flew me for my first Broadway audition for 'The Color Purple,' and I only found out about it because I knew that Fantasia was in it, and so I went online to I was not a part of the union, but I flew there for the audition, and the next week I made my Broadway debut!
Autor: Todrick HallMe , Mom , Color , Purple
I won't eat any cereal that doesn't turn the milk purple.
Autor: Bill WattersonEat , Food , Turn , Purple
I think 'The Color Purple' is so bursting with love, the need for connection, the showing of the need for connection around the globe.
Autor: Alice WalkerLove , Think , Color , Purple
The only medal that I am certain I deserved is the Purple Heart.
Autor: Bob KerreyHeart , I Am , Only , Purple
It wasn't until I saw 'The Color Purple' on Broadway when I was 15 that I really solidified acting is what I want to do professionally.
Autor: Danielle BrooksWant , Color , Acting , Purple
There is no dignity in wickedness, whether in purple or rags; and hell is a democracy of devils, where all are equals.
Autor: Herman MelvilleHell , Dignity , Democracy , Purple