Frases sobre ''Punch''

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That's boxing - one punch can win a fight.

Autor: Amir Khan
  Fight , Win , Boxing , Punch

At least the Pilgrim Fathers used to shoot Indians: the Pilgrim Children merely punch time clocks.

Autor: e. e. cummings
  Time , Children , Shoot , Punch

I never got beaten up, because I was a wisecracking jokester. I could make a bully laugh before he delivered a punch.

Autor: Garry Marshall
  Up , Never , Laugh , Punch

One tires of combat, although I can still throw a punch, you know.

Autor: Paul Keating
  You , Know , I Can , Punch

When the President of the United States comes out and says, 'If I had boys, I wouldn't let them play tackle football,' that's a big punch to the gut for our sport.

Autor: Tom Herman
  Big , Play , Football , Punch

Even though I had been boxing, I had no idea I could beat somebody in the ring. And I had no idea I could really take a punch. When I realized that, I really started taking off.

Autor: Cara Castronuova
  Boxing , Ring , Beat , Punch

I went through a period where I just wanted to punch everybody. Since then, I've had a lot of therapy and I've figured a lot of things out.

Autor: Guy Pearce
  Just , Things , Therapy , Punch

They reality is that we have 70% of our voters use a punch card system that I tried to change and that bipartisan resistance in the legislature stopped.

Autor: Kenneth Blackwell
  Reality , Change , Tried , Punch

Films are artifice. We're telling stories on film. At the same time, when it works, there is a real tough immediacy and spontaneity to it, and a punch.

Autor: Paul McGann
  Time , Tough , Real , Punch

Fathers should start teaching the boys how to punch.

Autor: Scott Thompson
  Start , How , Teaching , Punch

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