Frases sobre ''Puberty''

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Superheroes don't often get their powers in one fell swoop. It's like superhero puberty.

Autor: G. Willow Wilson
  Like , Get , Superhero , Puberty

I genuinely hit puberty before everyone.

Autor: Emily Ratajkowski
  Everyone , Hit , Before , Puberty

I usually say I left puberty at 58.

Autor: Ingmar Bergman
  Say , Left , Puberty

I didn't hit puberty until I was, like, 17, so I love to talk about that.

Autor: Jenny Slate
  Love , Like , Talk , Puberty

Harassment is one of puberty's darkest, most unreported rites of passage.

Autor: Rachel Simmons
  Most , Darkest , Harassment , Puberty

I've weighed 100 lbs. soaking wet since puberty.

Autor: Shenae Grimes
  Since , Wet , Puberty , Weighed

I went through puberty late. I was a little, little, tiny kid. I was still growing in college.

Autor: Rob Riggle
  College , Late , Kid , Puberty

The limbic system explodes during puberty, but the prefrontal cortex keeps maturing for another 10 years.

Autor: Robin Marantz Henig
  Years , System , Another , Puberty

I was the ugly duckling until I reached puberty.

Autor: Tanya Roberts
  Until , Ugly , Puberty , Reached

Other than dying, I think puberty is probably about as rough as it gets.

Autor: Rick Springfield
  Think , Dying , Rough , Puberty

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