Frases sobre ''Protein''

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I tend to wake up around 7, and I start the day with a protein shake.

Autor: Eddie Hall
  Day , Start , Protein , Wake Up

It now seems certain that the amino acid sequence of any protein is determined by the sequence of bases in some region of a particular nucleic acid molecule.

Autor: Francis Crick
  Some , Now , Protein , Determined

Serum albumin is a well-defined protein, but no laboratory has yet attempted to ascertain its full chemical structure.

Autor: Frank Macfarlane Burnet
  Structure , Protein , Laboratory , Chemical

Synchrotron light has revolutionized the field of protein crystallography. It has made it possible to look at much larger structures with much smaller crystals.

Autor: Gregory Petsko
  Look , Light , Possible , Protein

Since I'm a vegetarian, I try to focus on getting my protein and iron needs met.

Autor: Hannah Marks
  Focus , Try , Protein , Vegetarian

I keep my diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein.

Autor: Sullivan Stapleton
  Low , High , Protein , Diet

I get meals when I can, or I have protein shakes.

Autor: Triple H
  Get , I Can , Protein , Shakes

I had all kinds of allergy problems with certain meats, and with fruits and vegetables with pesticides. So I turned to bear, caribou, venison, hippopotamus, buffalo, elk and moose. Taste-wise, buffalo and elk are tied for first. Not gamy, and loaded with protein. And very expensive, I might add.

Autor: Billy Casper
  Problems , Protein , Expensive , Vegetables

I drink a lot of protein shakes and do a lot of weight lifting.

Autor: Chanel Iman
  Drink , Protein , Weight , Shakes

Good-quality protein is very hard to come by in prison. Tuna is good, but tuna doesn't have texture. Mackerel is meaty.

Autor: Charlie Shrem
  Good , Hard , Protein , Prison

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