Frases sobre ''Proof''

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The geysers and hot springs of the Yellowstone are another proof of recent volcanic activity.

Autor: Ellsworth Huntington
  Activity , Hot , Proof , Yellowstone

There is no such thing as absolute proof. There is only evidence.

Autor: G. Edward Griffin
  Only , Evidence , Thing , Proof

We must never assume that which is incapable of proof.

Autor: George Henry Lewes
  Never , Must , Which , Proof

Is it unreasonable to have proof of citizenship when entering another country?

Autor: Gwen Ifill
  Country , Citizenship , Another , Proof

Being-alone is a deficient mode of being-with; its possibility is a proof for the latter.

Autor: Martin Heidegger
  Possibility , Proof , Mode , Latter

A poet must leave traces of his passage, not proof.

Autor: Rene Char
  Must , Poet , Leave , Proof

Anybody can be Pope; the proof of this is that I have become one.

Autor: Pope John XXIII
  Become , Anybody , Proof , Pope

In the final analysis, terror is also another proof of the fact that the superpower is not really a superpower. It was vulnerable.

Autor: Ulrich Beck
  Analysis , Fact , Proof , Terror

The ultimate proof of confidence for a small-business owner is, are they hiring employees?

Autor: Brad D. Smith
  Confidence , Employees , Proof , Ultimate

To cease to admire is a proof of deterioration.

Autor: Charles Horton Cooley
  Admire , Proof , Cease , Deterioration

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