Frases sobre ''Priest''

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And so um, I knew that I really didn't want to be a priest and didn't want to be a celibate, though I could probably manage it. Um, and um, ultimately I left.

Autor: Thomas Keneally
  Want , Left , Though , Priest

Times have changed since George Herbert... but the principle and spirit in which he ministered as a priest remains an inspiration and model for all priests.

Autor: Arthur Middleton
  He , Spirit , Inspiration , Priest

Priesthood is forever and does not cease when a priest cannot carry out that priestly ministry.

Autor: Arthur Middleton
  Out , Cannot , Carry , Forever , Priest

Playing the priest on 'Oz' was a fantastic experience. I was very lucky.

Autor: B. D. Wong
  Experience , Lucky , Playing , Priest

The priest is the personification of falsehood.

Autor: Giuseppe Garibaldi
  Priest , Falsehood , Personification

I don't miss being a priest. The fulfillment factor in matrimony is far greater.

Autor: John J. McLaughlin
  Being , Far , Miss , Priest

I was everything, patriarch, priest, father and judge.

Autor: John Sutter
  Everything , Judge , Father , Priest

Emotion is the surest arbiter of a poetic choice, and it is the priest of all supreme unions in the mind.

Autor: Max Eastman
  Mind , Choice , Emotion , Priest

Yes, I was a parish priest for five years. I was a curate in a large working class parish in Bristol and the Vicar of a village in Kent.

Autor: John Polkinghorne
  Years , Class , Village , Priest

Canon law itself says for one case of guilt, a priest can be dismissed from the clerical state. One.

Autor: Roger Mahony
  Law , Guilt , Says , Priest

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