Frases sobre ''Pretending''
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I feel really lucky that I grew up pretending to be a spy for my whole childhood.
Autor: Daryl SabaraFeel , Lucky , Childhood , Pretending
Belief demands that you dispense with illusion after illusion, while contemporary common sense requires continual, fluffy pretending - pretending that might as well be systematic, it's so thoroughly incentivised by our culture.
Autor: Francis SpuffordYou , Culture , Illusion , Pretending
I'm from really humble beginnings. I've never been this Hollywood diva, but you get caught up in what you're pretending to be.
Autor: Heidi MontagYou , Never , Humble , Pretending
I've been pretending to be normal for so much of my life.
Autor: Kathryn HahnLife , My Life , Normal , Pretending
Nobody really knows what they're doing. Some are just better at pretending like they do.
Autor: Kumail NanjianiDoing , Better , Nobody , Pretending
It was the Marines who taught me how to act. After that, pretending to be rough wasn't so hard.
Autor: Lee MarvinMe , How , Hard , Pretending
My memoir is about my time in film and the decision to leave Hollywood, grow up, and stop pretending.
Autor: Lisa JakubTime , Grow , Decision , Pretending
China is a civilization pretending to be a nation.
Autor: Michael LedeenNation , Civilization , China , Pretending
'McHale's Navy' was a disaster. I'm not pretending it wasn't a disaster.
Autor: Sidney SheinbergDisaster , Navy , Pretending
There are artists in Belgium who try to imitate American artists. But it's like, if you're Belgian pretending to be American, you won't be better than the American because you aren't American. You have to do your own stuff.
Autor: StromaeYou , Better , American , Pretending