Frases sobre ''Presidency''
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The only way to tyrantproof the presidency is not to elect tyrants to the presidency.
Autor: Benjamin WittesOnly , Way , Tyrants , Presidency
There is no office now closed to a Jew, including the presidency.
Autor: Jacob K. JavitsNow , Office , Including , Presidency
Barack Obama's inspirational whoosh to the presidency in 2008 was unusual. Most campaigns are less exhilarating; indeed, they are downright disappointing - until someone wins.
Autor: Joe KleinMost , Someone , Inspirational , Presidency
The presidency is not an entry-level electoral job.
Autor: John PodhoretzJob , Presidency , Electoral
A Trump presidency feels as if we've crawled between the covers of a really crummy book.
Autor: Lionel ShriverReally , Book , Between , Presidency
The office of the presidency is what's important, no matter who's in it.
Autor: Powers BootheImportant , Matter , Office , Presidency
Nixon officials foreshadowed both the historic distinction and seamy underside of the presidency.
Autor: Roger MorrisBoth , Presidency , Distinction , Officials
I reached a situation in which I cannot conduct the presidency.
Autor: Roh Moo-hyunCannot , Which , Situation , Presidency
If I were president of the United States, I would include Moslems in my presidency.
Autor: Jerry FalwellPresident , United States , Presidency