Frases sobre ''Pregnancy''
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I love pregnancy and the bump and the whole thing.
Autor: Bethenny FrankelLove , Whole , Thing , Pregnancy
Pregnancy is not a disease. The child in the womb is neither a tumor nor a parasite to be destroyed.
Autor: Chris SmithChild , Disease , Womb , Pregnancy
My entire pregnancy with Major, I was nervous about enduring another long labor.
Autor: Eva AmurriLong , Nervous , Labor , Pregnancy
Jason Lee and Ethan Suplee are like my brothers. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have gotten through my pregnancy.
Autor: Jaime PresslyLike , Through , Them , Pregnancy
The idea for 'Ballet Baby' started when I was going through my own pregnancy.
Autor: Mary Helen BowersOwn , My Own , Baby , Pregnancy
Pregnancy is uncomfortable and draining, and the end isn't in sight until it becomes unbearable.
Autor: Sophie B. HawkinsEnd , Uncomfortable , Sight , Pregnancy
A lot of women use pregnancy as an excuse to let their bodies go, and that's the worst thing.
Autor: Tracy AndersonGo , Worst , Women , Pregnancy
I think pregnancy is a huge responsibility.
Autor: Chelsea HandlerThink , Responsibility , Huge , Pregnancy
A pregnancy is a marvelous moment that I would love to repeat and repeat.
Autor: Paz VegaLove , Moment , Repeat , Pregnancy