Frases sobre ''Posing''
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War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and retired government flacks posing as reporters.
Autor: Amy GoodmanMore , War , Government , Posing
Get into the habit of imagining an alternate scenario. By posing such 'imagine if' questions... we can distance ourselves from the frames, cues, anchors and rhetoric that might be affecting us.
Autor: Noreena HertzQuestions , Posing , Habit , Distance
Cause I'm a musician, I'm not really good at posing and being a model, like, modeling.
Autor: Amy WinehouseBeing , Good , Modeling , Posing
I made my career off posing in swimsuits and doing all the swimsuit issues and posters, but I will tell you that that little bit of material on an itsy-bitsy bikini - taking that off was very nerve-racking the first time.
Autor: Cindy MargolisYou , Time , Doing , Posing
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?
Autor: Fanny BriceYou , World , Forget , Posing
In my photographs it is apparent that there was no posing at the moment I released the shutter.
Autor: Jerzy KosinskiMoment , Posing , Photographs , Shutter
Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in.
Autor: Sally RideScience , Fun , Curiosity , Posing
Most people are living lives of sort of survival. And constantly posing an existential crisis, either through fantasy or oblivion, really has been pretty much explored in rock and roll. At least in the western version of rock n' roll.
Autor: Billy CorganPeople , Rock And Roll , Survival , Posing
What's odd about the selfie stick is that while it might faintly improve the photo you'll post on Facebook, it definitely makes you seem like a shallow, awful clown to any bystanders in the humdrum physical space you're posing in.
Autor: Charlie BrookerYou , Space , Posing , Clown
You can't be, like, smashing guitars against Marshall stacks all the time. As a matter of fact, after a while, it just looks like posing - it never really gets down to any message or any real expression.
Autor: Jeff BuckleyYou , Time , Down , Posing