Frases sobre ''Popcorn''
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Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn.
Autor: Fulton J. SheenBeing , Like , Death , Popcorn
I didn't have any ambition to produce big mainstream popcorn movies.
Autor: Jodie FosterAmbition , Movies , Big , Popcorn
Starting at 11, I was a movie-theater popcorn girl, a babysitter, a sales clerk - in the Midwest, they start them early!
Autor: Kate SpadeStart , Girl , Early , Popcorn
I had popcorn all over the place, so I decided I might as well be in the Processing Business.
Autor: Orville RedenbacherBusiness , Over , Place , Popcorn
I really wanted the MTV Award the most, It was a golden popcorn container and it looks really neat.
Autor: Kirsten DunstLooks , Award , Golden , Popcorn
We were in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. It's a nice town, but it's aggressively quaint. They've got a popcorn shop above a waterfall and parades that come through town. It's all-American.
Autor: Nick RobinsonNice , Town , Popcorn , Waterfall
Gribenes have been referred to as Jewish popcorn or kosher pork rinds. It's basically chicken skin fried in schmaltz. They're crispy and mixed with fried onions. I'm telling you, when you have it with chopped liver, it's the most incredible thing because you get this crunch and this surge of chicken flavor.
Autor: David SaxYou , Skin , Chicken , Popcorn