Frases sobre ''Poison''
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I cannot put this poison on my skin. I do not use anything synthetic.
Autor: Gisele BundchenSkin , Anything , Cannot , Poison
Publicity is like poison; it doesn't hurt unless you swallow it.
Autor: Joe PaternoYou , Like , Hurt , Poison
I've noticed a lot of people are very bold and blustery on Twitter because it's easy to do that with the poison keyboard and a hundred and forty characters.
Autor: Kellyanne ConwayPeople , Easy , Poison , Bold
In the U.S., too many yogurts are filled with corn syrup, preservatives, artificial this and that. To me, this is poison.
Autor: Mireille GuilianoMe , Many , Poison , Corn
The poison of selfishness destroys the world.
Autor: Catherine of SienaWorld , Poison , Destroys , Selfishness
There is poison in the fang of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; but the wicked man is saturated with it.
Autor: ChanakyaMan , Fly , Mouth , Poison