Frases sobre ''Pleasant''
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1972 was a year of many pleasant and rewarding experiences for me:
Autor: Chuck MangioneMe , Year , Pleasant , Experiences
I view the experiences that I have had - both tough ones and the pleasant ones - as gifts. They've been full of lessons. And I've learned to be open to those lessons.
Autor: Deval PatrickView , Tough , Open , Pleasant
Villa Grande has in many ways symbolized an important, but less than pleasant, part of our history.
Autor: Kjell Magne BondevikHistory , Important , Than , Pleasant
Pleasant it to behold great encounters of warfare arrayed over the plains, with no part of yours in peril.
Autor: LucretiusGreat , Over , Yours , Pleasant
Sadness is a necessary emotion. It's maybe not the most pleasant one to have, but it's cathartic.
Autor: Phyllis SmithMost , Sadness , Emotion , Pleasant
Color does not add a pleasant quality to design - it reinforces it.
Autor: Pierre BonnardColor , Quality , Design , Pleasant
Pleasant speech yields joy to all, and observing this, is there any need for unpleasant speech?
Autor: ThiruvalluvarNeed , Speech , Joy , Pleasant
The first couple of days on the detox diet aren't pleasant.
Autor: Carol VordermanFirst , Days , Diet , Pleasant
I am not generally regarded as a pleasant or socially minded fellow.
Autor: Caryl ChessmanI Am , Am , Fellow , Pleasant
I was actually tone deaf until I had tumors in my ears - I had very small ear canals - removed. Once they fixed that, I was actually able to sing in a pleasant manner.
Autor: Lauren WorshamSing , Small , Deaf , Pleasant