Frases sobre ''Pity''
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It's a pity nobody believes in simple lust anymore.
Autor: Ava GardnerSimple , Nobody , Pity , Lust
She knows as well as anyone that pity, having played, soon tires.
Autor: Edwin Arlington RobinsonWell , She , Pity , Tires
What a pity, when Christopher Columbus discovered America, that he ever mentioned it.
Autor: Margot AsquithHe , America , Columbus , Pity
You're an idealist, and I pity you as I would the village idiot.
Autor: Stanley KubrickYou , Village , Idiot , Pity
Pity speaks to grief More sweetly than a band of instruments.
Autor: Bryan ProcterMore , Grief , Band , Pity
We need to suffer, that we may learn to pity.
Autor: Letitia Elizabeth LandonNeed , Learn , Suffer , Pity
I learnt pity, sympathy, and what it was like to be at the other end of the stick. Such lessons can't be learnt in lecture halls.
Autor: Lionel BlueLike , End , Sympathy , Pity