Frases sobre ''Pitching''
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I didn't understand that TV writing wasn't writing; it was pitching.
Autor: Tanya SarachoWriting , Understand , TV , Pitching
Pitching... sometimes I did so poorly, it brought me to tears.
Autor: Dennis EckersleyMe , Sometimes , Tears , Pitching
Pitching is 80% of the game and the other half is hitting and fielding.
Autor: Mickey RiversGame , Half , Other , Pitching
Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.
Autor: Warren SpahnSports , Timing , Pitching , Hitting
If I had a job pitching for the Giants, I probably wouldn't be manning my own Twitter account.
Autor: Wiley WigginsOwn , Job , My Own , Pitching
Baseball is all about pitching, and we know we have to improve our pitching.
Autor: Tom HicksKnow , About , Baseball , Pitching
We have to have great pitching performances from our guys, and we have to take it from there.
Autor: Bobby BonillaGreat , Take , Our , Pitching