Frases sobre ''Pastor''

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I'm not a pastor; I've never been on staff at a church.

Autor: Donald Miller
  Never , Been , Church , Pastor

By no means do I anticipate screening those who come on to campus... And I have no difficulty if a bishop across the country or some local pastor may say that's not Catholic teaching - that's fine.

Autor: William P. Leahy
  Say , Some , Country , Pastor

As a pastor, I've spent 30 years talking to people and heard every kind of story imaginable.

Autor: Andy Stanley
  People , Story , Talking , Pastor

If I wasn't an actor, I think I would be a pastor.

Autor: Jim Parrack
  Think , I Think , Actor , Pastor

The president of the branch in Atlanta was a pastor of a church, the Reverend Sam Williams, a wonderful guy. He was middle-class and fairly militant for the time and place.

Autor: Julian Bond
  Time , Place , Church , Pastor

I'm not only a Christian, but I'm a pastor of a church.

Autor: Richie Furay
  Only , Church , Christian , Pastor

The earlier practice of the Church had been more or less to employ in worship under the presidency of the pastor or pastors, the gifts of the congregation.

Autor: Robert Rainy
  Church , Worship , Practice , Pastor

I must confess that it is a lot easier for me as a pastor to preach about prayer than to spend that same amount of time engaged in it.

Autor: Tony Evans
  Me , Time , Prayer , Pastor

Being a pastor is pressure because we have to counsel people.

Autor: Marvin Sapp
  Being , People , Pressure , Pastor

I would be a pastor. It is something I think about doing when my playing days are over.

Autor: Jeremy Lin
  Something , Doing , Think , Pastor

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