Frases sobre ''Paparazzi''
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We don't have paparazzi following you in Sweden.
Autor: Alexander SkarsgardYou , Sweden , Paparazzi , Following
When The Cranberries got really big in Ireland, it became difficult for me to be there with all the photographers and paparazzi.
Autor: Dolores O'RiordanMe , Difficult , Big , Paparazzi
I don't really resent being on the red carpet as much as I do having to deal with the paparazzi.
Autor: Megan FoxBeing , Red , Paparazzi , Red Carpet
It was scary. It's a public beach that we're filming on, so there was tons of paparazzi, especially when Pamela would be working. It was absolutely mayhem.
Autor: Gena Lee NolinBeach , Working , Scary , Paparazzi
I don't think I'll ever get chased by paparazzi - which is a good thing.
Autor: Hugh SkinnerThink , Good , Get , Paparazzi
It's a strange environment, being hounded. The paparazzi are cretins.
Autor: Jamie DornanBeing , Strange , Environment , Paparazzi
A lot of paparazzi wanted to be real photographers but they failed, and they did that instead, and it's not right; it's stalking.
Autor: Peaches GeldofRight , Real , Paparazzi , Be Real
I like to sneak in under the radar. I don't have any paparazzi following me or have to deal with that stuff. I'm never in the tabloids. I prefer that.
Autor: Rob SchneiderMe , Never , Like , Paparazzi
I don't want to be followed by paparazzi; that terrifies me.
Autor: SiaMe , Want , Paparazzi , Followed